Glossary Of Giclee Terms
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Yellow CMYK is a color model used in color printing and reproduction processes. It stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black, representing the four primary colors used in subtractive color mixing. In CMYK printing, each color is represented by a separate ink or toner, and varying combinations of these four colors can produce a wide range of colors and tones.
Cyan, magenta, and yellow are subtractive primary colors, meaning they subtract or absorb specific wavelengths of light, while black (K) is added to improve color depth and contrast. CMYK is commonly used in commercial printing processes, such as magazines, newspapers, and packaging, where precise color reproduction and consistency are essential. |
Yellowing A process that results in discoloration of a mat board, backing, Resin Coating or artwork paper. Yellowing is caused by exposure to light, or chemical reactions that cause the substances added to whiten the paper to break down over time.
Though sometimes a desired look, yellowing is generally detrimental to artwork, and affects its longevity. |
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